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Lumecca IPL uses intense pulsed light to carefully target and treat skin conditions through selective photothermolysis. It improves the appearance of redness, age spots, sun damage, vascular lesions, and rosacea. Immediate results can be seen after the first session with multiple sessions achieving an even stronger, cumulative result. A strong sapphire-cooling tip provides a safe and painless procedure, and you will leave with that classic glow!

Results include: 

✨ Diminishes the appearance of age spots and pigmentation caused by sun damage.

✨ Restores capillary flow

✨ Improves the appearance of vascular lesions 

✨ Improves the appearance of rosacea

✨ Immediate visible improvement in uneven skin tone that gets better with time.

Suitable for

All skin types concerned with aging, sun spots, pigmentation, uneven skin tone.




Dependent on the condition of the skin prior to treatment and will be determined after consultation. 

Appointment Length

60 minutes 

Discomfort Level

None to mild

Pregnancy Safe



See FAQs below for additional information

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IPL Options

IPL Treatment

This treatment begins with a luxurious massage style cleanse down the face own to the decollete. 

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is used to reduce the appearance of age spots, vascular lesions (spider veins), rosacea, freckles and sun damage. It targets melanin and oxyhemoglobin in the skin and causes the destruction of these skin abnormalities. 

During the treatment there will be a bright flash of light from the Lummca wand. It might feel like elastic snapping. Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal during and after treatment and subside within an hour. Post-IPL, a custom blend of essential serums and moisturizers are used to protect the skin and enhance effects. 

Full Face $400

Full Face + Neck $515

IPL Spot Treatment (up to 3 spots) $195

FAQs for Treatment

How many IPL treatments will I need to see results?

You will notice an immediate change in the size and colour of the spots we are treating with just one session. However, it generally takes 4-6 treatments for pigmentation to fully disappear.

Is it painful?

This differs for everyone, but most people say it feels like a rubber band snapping on the skin.

How often should I get an IPL Treatment?

IPL treatments should be spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart for optimal results.

What is downtime and aftercare like?

Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal during and after treatment and subside within an hour. Over the course of the next 24-48 hours you may see darkening of pigmented spots. We call these MENDS or "coffee grinds". These will fall off over time.

Can I get IPL in the Summer?

We do not recommend IPL treatments in the summer as sun exposure can worsen pigmentation.